In Zambia 2018-08-01T20:36:43+00:00



Zambia, in southern Africa, is a landlocked country of rugged terrain and diverse wildlife, with many parks and safari areas. On its border with Zimbabwe is famed Victoria Falls – indigenously called Mosi-oa-Tunya, or “Smoke That Thunders” – plunging a misty 108m into narrow Batoka Gorge. Spanning the Zambezi River just below the falls is Victoria Falls Bridge, a spectacular viewpoint.


Lusaka is the capital of Zambia. In the center, sprawling Lusaka City Market sells clothing, produce and other goods. The National Museum exhibits archaeological finds and contemporary art. Nearby, the Freedom Statue commemorates Zambia’s struggle for independence. South of the city, Munda Wanga Environmental Park has a wildlife sanctuary and botanical garden. The Lilayi Elephant Nursery cares for orphaned elephants.


Linda Compound is located 20 km south of Lusaka in Chilanga district. Its home to over 20,000 people and with the provision of electricity, water and internet , its growing into a sprawling suburban township. With this growth comes the challenge of unemployment and social unrest. Linda Community School is the main provider of primary education for the compound. Its development is helping educate the younger generation and propel them out of poverty and contribute to the development of the community.


With the support of Propel Education, Vision Zambia, BuildIt International, Irish Aid, Camara Ireland, ZOCS, Linda Community Primary School has grown from a run down two roomed school to a secure 14 classroom establishment.

There are 1,800 pupils and 24 teachers, 19 government paid and 5 community paid.  The school has two well equipped science labs, a computer lab with 35 computers and a library. It also has toilets, electricity, water and internet services.

The school is viewed as a model for Community, Donor and Government partnership, helping to build facilities, provide education and support the vulnerable children in the compound. There are a number of initiatives being developed at the school, one being the use of an elearning platform provided by Edulution where 600 students receive 8 to 10 hours per month of extra curriculum maths instruction with the Khan Academy.

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